Adelaide Cullum
Gap year
Gap year
Mental Disorders
I have started on a project dealing with different mental disorders and how they can't be seen or heard. More help should be offered to people who are suffering from these disorders. Mental health impacts on people's lives as they struggle with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, PTSD etc.
In most cases people with mental health disorders get treated differently to others as they are more ‘fragile’ you just have no idea on what they have been through to be like this. People with mental health disorders tend to seem like attention seekers at times, in fact they are just asking for some help or for someone to talk to.
I have started on a project dealing with different mental disorders and how they can't be seen or heard. More help should be offered to people who are suffering from these disorders. Mental health impacts on people's lives as they struggle with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, PTSD etc.
In most cases people with mental health disorders get treated differently to others as they are more ‘fragile’ you just have no idea on what they have been through to be like this. People with mental health disorders tend to seem like attention seekers at times, in fact they are just asking for some help or for someone to talk to.

Ashleigh Curtis
University of Suffolk (BA Hons Photography)
University of Suffolk (BA Hons Photography)
Mind Madness
During this project I have looked into mental health and looked at the different aspects of mental health. I have looked into different campaigns associated with mental health in order to broaden my knowledge. As my theme is ‘mental health’ I have looked into surrealism in order to show the mind scattering. The dispersion coming out of the head is showing the confusion of the mind, and the thoughts flowing out the head. I did this to allow the audience’s mind to also wander and to get them thinking.
During this project I have looked into mental health and looked at the different aspects of mental health. I have looked into different campaigns associated with mental health in order to broaden my knowledge. As my theme is ‘mental health’ I have looked into surrealism in order to show the mind scattering. The dispersion coming out of the head is showing the confusion of the mind, and the thoughts flowing out the head. I did this to allow the audience’s mind to also wander and to get them thinking.

Weronika Dzięcioł
Gap Year
Gap Year
Głośny Kolor
I have exhibited a collection of my best images that relate to the power of fashion.I wanted to make a magazine that would display fashion in an exhibition style that showed what it means and how we can all stay connected through the power of clothing. Along the journey of me getting my magazine together I discovered that I wanted to base my project on string.I don't have a big idea behind this. I just wanted to showcase my work through the influential and effective power of fashion and what that represents.
I have exhibited a collection of my best images that relate to the power of fashion.I wanted to make a magazine that would display fashion in an exhibition style that showed what it means and how we can all stay connected through the power of clothing. Along the journey of me getting my magazine together I discovered that I wanted to base my project on string.I don't have a big idea behind this. I just wanted to showcase my work through the influential and effective power of fashion and what that represents.

Millie Edwards
I have exhibited a selection of images portraying several different species of bird. Whether flightless, predator or prey, common or uncommon, every species is significant physically or culturally to our world. With the decline of the bird population globally, attributable to climate change, I want my images to strike the eyes of its viewers. They are close up, colorful or bold, to bring awareness to the diversity, beauty and most of all importance of birds.
I have exhibited a selection of images portraying several different species of bird. Whether flightless, predator or prey, common or uncommon, every species is significant physically or culturally to our world. With the decline of the bird population globally, attributable to climate change, I want my images to strike the eyes of its viewers. They are close up, colorful or bold, to bring awareness to the diversity, beauty and most of all importance of birds.

Jack Ford
Freelance Photographer
Freelance Photographer
Three Wise Monkeys
My exhibit consists of three images that raise awareness of mental health. I wanted my exhibit to be visually compelling without being too obvious as this allows the viewer to come to their own conclusions and ideas about my project. I've used models in my work as I felt this was a good way to portray mental health and the struggles caused by it. Using the three wise monkeys as a way to perceive mental health was an idea founded in the way we absorb information through our senses.
My exhibit consists of three images that raise awareness of mental health. I wanted my exhibit to be visually compelling without being too obvious as this allows the viewer to come to their own conclusions and ideas about my project. I've used models in my work as I felt this was a good way to portray mental health and the struggles caused by it. Using the three wise monkeys as a way to perceive mental health was an idea founded in the way we absorb information through our senses.

Kyle Fry
The Joys of Spring
I have taken and exhibited some images throughout all the months during the Spring to show how beautiful nature is and the season of Spring. My aim for this project is to show people by using the beauty of the outdoors to try and prevent the habitats from being destroyed which will put many species of plants and animals at risk of extinction.
I have taken and exhibited some images throughout all the months during the Spring to show how beautiful nature is and the season of Spring. My aim for this project is to show people by using the beauty of the outdoors to try and prevent the habitats from being destroyed which will put many species of plants and animals at risk of extinction.

Sophie Green
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
90-00-10-20 Magazine
I have exhibited a magazine both physical and online on the topic of music. My main idea was to do a magazine based on recreation of album covers of the pop and R&B genres from the 90s through to today. My context behind my work is focused around society and how music and the industry has had an influence. The issues I am focusing on have to do with the album covers I have recreated. The work I have done was shot on location and in the studio. Some artist album covers I have used in FMP include Olivia Rodreigo, Adele and Aaliyiah. The ideas I have done are influenced by the original cover and my own style of photography. My magazine is aimed at a demographic who has an interest in music and being creative. I feel that photographers have a huge role in using their work to have an impact on issues in society no matter how big their platform is. Social media-
I have exhibited a magazine both physical and online on the topic of music. My main idea was to do a magazine based on recreation of album covers of the pop and R&B genres from the 90s through to today. My context behind my work is focused around society and how music and the industry has had an influence. The issues I am focusing on have to do with the album covers I have recreated. The work I have done was shot on location and in the studio. Some artist album covers I have used in FMP include Olivia Rodreigo, Adele and Aaliyiah. The ideas I have done are influenced by the original cover and my own style of photography. My magazine is aimed at a demographic who has an interest in music and being creative. I feel that photographers have a huge role in using their work to have an impact on issues in society no matter how big their platform is. Social media-
Ethan Hancock
The Gender Spectrum
I want to show the passion I have for gender and how different people present themselves everyday. I want to do this subtly and represent the ‘spectrum’ with the use of colours as it will relate to the ‘colour spectrum’. My passion is to help speak for people who may feel judged, or unseen in the modern day, relating to my own experiences. People should be heard and seen.
I want to show the passion I have for gender and how different people present themselves everyday. I want to do this subtly and represent the ‘spectrum’ with the use of colours as it will relate to the ‘colour spectrum’. My passion is to help speak for people who may feel judged, or unseen in the modern day, relating to my own experiences. People should be heard and seen.

Asher Hill
Rust Shown Through time
I chose to exhibit cosplay photography through the making of props because I want to show that props aren’t just a prop in the image, they’re part of the making of the photograph. They share a role in the image just as much as the model does. I made props to show how much hard work and time goes into making them. I am very passionate about cosplay and how it can help someone out. I also want to show the art of a cosplay image and how good you can make a cosplay look on camera and all of the different outcomes that can come with that photograph.
I chose to exhibit cosplay photography through the making of props because I want to show that props aren’t just a prop in the image, they’re part of the making of the photograph. They share a role in the image just as much as the model does. I made props to show how much hard work and time goes into making them. I am very passionate about cosplay and how it can help someone out. I also want to show the art of a cosplay image and how good you can make a cosplay look on camera and all of the different outcomes that can come with that photograph.

Austeja Kuprionyte
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
Uncovered secrets
I believe that being candid and authentic are key to thriving. My blog is a place where celebrating one’s personality, sense of humor, and heart are at the core of my site’s mission whilst also unraveling the truth behind social media and this generation. Connecting with the world is what brought me to start Uncovered secrets. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn more about what I do and how I embrace every one’s beauty through their flaws.
I believe that being candid and authentic are key to thriving. My blog is a place where celebrating one’s personality, sense of humor, and heart are at the core of my site’s mission whilst also unraveling the truth behind social media and this generation. Connecting with the world is what brought me to start Uncovered secrets. To see what I’ve been up to, browse my site, learn more about what I do and how I embrace every one’s beauty through their flaws.

Kate Langley
Gap Year
Gap Year
Editorial Fashion
I have exhibited a set of three images which represent the aspects of fashion. With my theme being fashion, I have explored different pathways for this desired topic and with these exhibited pieces I have not only created three high-contrast portraits but also provided context to each image. The black and white images that I've created in an editorial style, show both pathways that I have explored. I find that the pose of the model reflects modern day photography however the baggy clothes shows a vintage style whilst the black and white represents 80s fashion. By presenting these images in this way, I feel that they work really well together.
I have exhibited a set of three images which represent the aspects of fashion. With my theme being fashion, I have explored different pathways for this desired topic and with these exhibited pieces I have not only created three high-contrast portraits but also provided context to each image. The black and white images that I've created in an editorial style, show both pathways that I have explored. I find that the pose of the model reflects modern day photography however the baggy clothes shows a vintage style whilst the black and white represents 80s fashion. By presenting these images in this way, I feel that they work really well together.

Jessica Mcmillan
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
University of Suffolk, BA (Hons) Photography
Peaky Blinders 2.0
For my final project, I am doing my project based on the style of the tv show Peaky Blinders but adding my own twist to it. The twist is that I’m going against the stereotype of what the men and women would wear during the time period of the show. I have done this before with a different project and the outcomes were great, so I tried to do that again but with something different and what I think will have a bigger meaning behind the images. I also wanted to make my work look cinematic as well as have a meaning behind them.
For my final project, I am doing my project based on the style of the tv show Peaky Blinders but adding my own twist to it. The twist is that I’m going against the stereotype of what the men and women would wear during the time period of the show. I have done this before with a different project and the outcomes were great, so I tried to do that again but with something different and what I think will have a bigger meaning behind the images. I also wanted to make my work look cinematic as well as have a meaning behind them.

Alfie Nunn
Cubic Header
For this exhibition, I decided to create a 3d piece of work made with different angles of a 3 dimensional cube. I enjoyed experimenting with various layouts of cubes to create my final outcome. I wanted to try a new style of photography that I haven’t explored before. I was inspired by Alma Haser, who is a 3d Photographer.
For this exhibition, I decided to create a 3d piece of work made with different angles of a 3 dimensional cube. I enjoyed experimenting with various layouts of cubes to create my final outcome. I wanted to try a new style of photography that I haven’t explored before. I was inspired by Alma Haser, who is a 3d Photographer.

Grace Patten
York St John University, BA (Hons) Photography
York St John University, BA (Hons) Photography
Painterly Portraiture
Grace is a fine art photographer whose portraits combine her love for art and photography. Her painterly portraits take influence from 17th to 19th century artworks and art movements such as the Flemish artists and the pre-raphaelites. Grace strives to create work that goes beyond merely capturing what is in front of the camera using photography as a medium to express her unique style by piecing together images that reflect her creativity.
Grace is a fine art photographer whose portraits combine her love for art and photography. Her painterly portraits take influence from 17th to 19th century artworks and art movements such as the Flemish artists and the pre-raphaelites. Grace strives to create work that goes beyond merely capturing what is in front of the camera using photography as a medium to express her unique style by piecing together images that reflect her creativity.

Alexandra Parsons
University of East London, BA (Hons) Photography
University of East London, BA (Hons) Photography
7 Deadly Sins
I have chosen the 7 deadly sins because I want to highlight that everyone carries one or more Sin inside them. Either they show it on the service for everyone to see or hide their true attention. You can never Judge a book by its cover.
The seven deadly sins are behaviors or feelings that inspire further sin. They are typically ordered as Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth and Lust.

Niamh Pugh
Self Employment
Self Employment
Album Covers (The Sound and the Still Image)
The theme I have chosen for my F.M.P is Music Photography; Specifically creating album covers. This interests me and I have an affinity with music with my own enjoyment in performing it. I wanted to create images that I can entwine the photos within the music included in the album, helping to further immerse the listener into the art, the sound and the meaning.
The theme I have chosen for my F.M.P is Music Photography; Specifically creating album covers. This interests me and I have an affinity with music with my own enjoyment in performing it. I wanted to create images that I can entwine the photos within the music included in the album, helping to further immerse the listener into the art, the sound and the meaning.

Oliver Ray
Media Technician
Media Technician
OJRay Digital
I set out to create content to go on my website and help advertise myself as a professional and creative photographer. Aside from my general interests and passion, another one of my main drives to want to be a photographer is that my granddad used to be one and I feel like a part of him would live in me. Throughout the project I focused less on the website and more on the idea of creating a magazine and a showreel using the same images from my photoshoots. This way I would achieve and end up with more than one different outcome using the same images.
I set out to create content to go on my website and help advertise myself as a professional and creative photographer. Aside from my general interests and passion, another one of my main drives to want to be a photographer is that my granddad used to be one and I feel like a part of him would live in me. Throughout the project I focused less on the website and more on the idea of creating a magazine and a showreel using the same images from my photoshoots. This way I would achieve and end up with more than one different outcome using the same images.
Natalia Rej
Women Empowerment
For my final major project I wanted to do something close to my heart and something I could quite comfortably talk about,something I feel like it has to be spoken about much more than it is. “Women empowerment” throughout my final piece I want to showcase power,strength and confidence. When people look at my image I want them to feel empowered and exclusive.
For my final major project I wanted to do something close to my heart and something I could quite comfortably talk about,something I feel like it has to be spoken about much more than it is. “Women empowerment” throughout my final piece I want to showcase power,strength and confidence. When people look at my image I want them to feel empowered and exclusive.

Adam Slater
Suffolk New College, Level 3/4 Foundation in Art & Design
Suffolk New College, Level 3/4 Foundation in Art & Design
Out There
This exhibition is all about showing the world the kind of photographer I want to be. The contents of my exhibition is a collection of miscellaneous images that I have taken which I think have turned out well even if these images do not link to each other. I simply want to show what kind of things interest me and what I want to photograph.
Yes I know, risky right? However this doesn't worry me, my work will meet its audience. If this isn't for you, simply move on. I won't cry much.
This exhibition is all about showing the world the kind of photographer I want to be. The contents of my exhibition is a collection of miscellaneous images that I have taken which I think have turned out well even if these images do not link to each other. I simply want to show what kind of things interest me and what I want to photograph.
Yes I know, risky right? However this doesn't worry me, my work will meet its audience. If this isn't for you, simply move on. I won't cry much.

Kerri Smith
I have a collection of images taken of the REVOLUTION restaurant located outside of the cattle market. I have chosen this restaurant in particular because of its creative decor which has always caught my attention, its wooden gazebos and fake plants with these lights located around just create a very pleasing place and it also helps with creating customs so I wanted to capture this.
I have a collection of images taken of the REVOLUTION restaurant located outside of the cattle market. I have chosen this restaurant in particular because of its creative decor which has always caught my attention, its wooden gazebos and fake plants with these lights located around just create a very pleasing place and it also helps with creating customs so I wanted to capture this.